Legal notice

General informations

Publisher informations

CL Yacht
French SAS Company
Capital: 10000 €
6 Impasse Béraud 06400 Cannes
Email :
Phone : 0670002627

Site design and implementation:

Christine Jourdan
369 avenue Georges Pompidou
Les Hauts de l’Olivet 1
06110 Le Cannet


1&1 Internet SARL
7, place de la Gare
BP 70109
57201 Sarreguemines Cedex

Intellectual property and photography credits

All data, text, information, images, photographs or any other content presented on the site is protected under intellectual property laws. As a result, online users may only use these elements for exclusively private ends (home use).

With the exception of the provisions outlined above, any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of the site´s content without the written consent of CL Yacht constitutes an infringement of its rights under the Intellectual Property Code.

All brands (names and logos) and all other distinctive symbols that appear on this site are the property of CL Yacht or its partners. Any reproduction, representation or use of these distinctive symbols is prohibited without the written consent of the rights holder.

Hypertext links and referencing

Any making of a hypertext link to this site and any referencing of it are forbidden without the express written authorisation of CL Yacht.